Blog websites are a sharing platform where people can express themselves, share their thoughts comfortably, and earn income at the same time. Thanks to your blog site, you can sit comfortably from your home and write about any topic you want. You can read these articles over and over again and share them with people. Thanks to the comment feature, people who read your article can share their thoughts, so you can create an environment for discussion.
As Kullerian Bilişim, we have a lot of blog site experience. What you need to open a blog site is a company that will design and control your annual expenses. Hosting, domain and SSL certificate are the annual costs you have to buy. If you wish, we can broadcast your site on our Cloud server at high speed and capacity. Moreover, thanks to the daily backup feature available on very few servers, you will be in a guaranteed position against any mishaps on your site. An attack on your site, etc. We already take adequate security measures for it. When we think of the worst, you will not experience data loss thanks to our backup feature.
We work on the sites we code without ignoring responsive and SEO compatibility. Thanks to our responsive, mobile-friendly design, users can navigate on your site without the slightest slip and distortion, on both mobile, tablet, TV and desktop devices. Thanks to search engine optimization, which we call SEO, your articles will appear at the top of search engines such as google, yahoo and so on, and your articles will be read more. During SEO optimization, we reduce the size of all components on your site, increase its speed, and enable the user to navigate through the site without waiting. In this way, a user who enters your site can read your articles without complaining and you will not experience any loss.
Thanks to our discussion module, users can comment on your articles. Upon your request, we can also pass the comments before your approval. You can delete, approve and reply to comments from the admin panel. Thanks to our rating-evaluation module for your articles, you can also let Google know how much your articles are liked. This will increase your ranking in search engines. We design the site we will design for you by thinking from your point of view so that you can use it in the easiest way, and we also think about how users can navigate the site in the most comfortable way by looking at it.
Would you like to open a blog too? If you wish, you can contact us via live support or by clicking here so that we can discuss the details.